Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Bi-Day
Mr. Big
Eric Martin - Eric Martin
Billy Sheehan - David Lee Roth
Paul Gilbert - Racer X
Pat Torpey - Uh, Mr. Big
Billy Ray has nothing on these guys when it comes to the Hair Mistakey!!

(Kris, you know these have been easy so far! They are going to get much more difficult!)
(Explanation to everyone else - We are coming up with artists that have performed with more than one act. Artists that are 'Bi-Musical'. This will continue every Friday until we can no longer come up with any!)


flowerpower70 said...

I definitely know I've taken the easy way out! I probably won't have many more for bi-day....

flo said...

I've got a couple more lined up but then will have to start researching a little.

Anonymous said...

pat tropey....impoliteri