Thursday, December 18, 2008


I robbed this little treasure out of an article by Anthony Bourdain on Kris's blog.
I couldn't have said it better myself.

"I’ve slowly built over the years not a collection of favorite tunes, but a soundtrack to a film in which I am alternately hero, villain or victim—depending on circumstances."
-Anthony Bourdain-


flowerpower70 said...

he's cool, huh? I could have met him last year, but I chose instead to drive to KC to see Chad :)

flo said...

You need glasses, my friend.

flowerpower70 said...

glasses? I know not of which you speak.

flo said...

You chose to SEE Chad instead of Anthony.... Maybe cuz he's me brother, but that just be icky!

flowerpower70 said...

Well, you did only live in the Ozarks a short while... otherwise your brother'd be lookin' purty good to you right 'bout now! Uh-huh. He does have a pretty mouth!

Venti Iced No Water Americano said...

I dated my cousin once..just once..just kidding

flo said...

Kris probably has dated a cousin and just doesn't know it! Those damn Birchfields breed like rabbits!

flo said...

I'd be happy to. Where do I sign up?