I don't think I told you guys that we decided to keep Spike's sister, Rosie, so that he wouldn't be lonely. (The older dogs don't like him because he is a spaz, so he had nobody to play with!) She is about half his size and a very beautiful girl. Yes, that is four dogs that I now have. And, Yes, I live in a Zoo. Between the dogs and the 7 gazillion kids running around, my house is a damn mess! Anyway, she set her head on the table when Tony was eating dinner. She is such a good girl, she just sat there and watched him eat, inches from his plate. She could have stuck her tongue out at anytime and snatched a bite but she didn't. We love her and she has made a perfect addition to our brood. You can't tell in the picture, but she is resting her chin on the table. Waiting.

What a cutie.
By the way, what's for dinner there? I think I see broccoli.
Chicken Spedini - which there are 700 different ways to make. I put the chicken on a bed of noodles then cover it with Alfredo. Since I try to restrict carbs, I always put mine on a bed of cooked broccoli instead of noodles and Tony always steals my broccoli and dips it in his Alfredo.
Chad makes the best spedini...
Yes, his is much better than mine.
I want the recipe please..I looked online and none of them look like what I see on your plate.
I just smash the hell out of chicken breasts, dip them in milk and Italian bread crumbs and fry them. Real spedini is rolled but I don't bother... Whatever kind of noodles you want and Alfredo sauce. I use the McCormick packets for the sauce, you just add milk and butter. It is good and easier than from scratch. You'll have to ask Chad how he makes his, it is better than mine.
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