The Fuji Fine Pix S1000.
Not the camera of my dreams but a step up from my Kodak. I need to put my 35mm set up on ebay or something. I have alot of money wrapped up in it and never use it anymore. I could probably get a really nice digital with the money but I haven't been able to part with her, she's my baby! It's a Pentax with the whole set up, extra lenses and pro flash - all offers considered.
that's awesome! I love my 35mm too. I can't get rid of it. There are so many things you can do with it that you can't with a digital.
What the hell are you doing up at 430? Don't you know you have to drive all day?
Anyway, that is the cool thing about my upgrade - this digital has manual settings so I can control aperture settings and shutter speed, etc. That is the only reason I would even consider getting rid of old reliable.
Ahhhh... I see. I'll have to check it out. My favorite setting is the B setting (I think). That's what I use to take the pictures in total darkness and when the pics are processed, whatever light there is available comes through. Very cool effect, especially in cemeteries!
As for being up at 4:30: I had a nightmare about a 7 foot anaconda/rattlesnake hybrid that was after me!!!!! I hate snakes!! I was Freakin out!
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