Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm not going to kill them....

Went to the grocery store. Big sale. The kind that you buy so much you stock the extra freezer in the garage. Put the groceries away. Went outside to smoke a cigarette about an hour later. Walked over to the fence to say hi to the dogs. Spike greeted me with a twice baked potato box in his mouth. Went back in the house and out to the garage to see what was up. Spike and Lake have apparently developed the ability to open the freezer. They feasted on 4 boxes of twice baked potatoes, one super size pack of lunch meat, a bag of shredded cheese and three Totino's pizzas. I hope they get the shits.


flowerpower70 said...

I haven't laughed out loud all day! ha ha

flowerpower70 said...

oh yeah, did the pizza have bacon bits on it?